Wellness Exams Get Your Child Ready For School, Sports

Published August 30, 2024

Back to School

As the summer winds down, preparations for getting ready for the new school year ramp up, and this includes making time to schedule a wellness exam for your child, especially if your child plans to participate in extracurricular sports.

Oregon law states that a school district shall require students who participate in extracurricular sports in grades 7 to 12 to have a physical exam once every two years. Even students who play in club or recreational sports are often required to have this exam.

A physical determines whether or not the student has any health conditions that might prevent them from playing their sport, such as a recent injury or concussion.

During the wellness exam, getting up to date on immunizations is also important as your child heads into the school environment, where they will potentially be exposed to a variety of infectious diseases.

Oregon law requires various immunizations for children in kindergarten through 12th grade. This is true for all public, private, charter or alternative schools. It also applies to preschools, Head Start programs and certified childcare programs. Parents can check with their school for specific requirements.

If it’s been a while since you’ve taken your child to the eye doctor, now is a good time to make an appointment for an eye exam. As children grow, their vision can change quickly and they may need corrective lenses or eyeglasses to see and function safely.

Other healthcare tips for parents and children heading into the school year:

  • Remember to wash hands frequently, especially after using the restroom.
  • Stay home when sick, especially if a fever, vomiting or diarrhea is a symptom.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet and get enough sleep.
  • Limit screen time and social media access by offering alternative, physical activities.
  • Monitor mental health; watch for signs of stress and anxiety.

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